Hey Friends,

We are now nine days into the new year, and I have been experiencing a range of emotions, but the one that has been most prevalent is overwhelm. I had a long chat with my older sister, and she helped me process many thoughts. However, I eventually understood that there was one thing required of me for now— to be still (I even just did a relieving exhale as I typed that). To ‘be still’ is what I needed to do. I understand that new seasons can feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t be a discomfort that robs my joy and peace.

Faulty Perceptions

I was allowing my perceptions of how far I am supposed to be and how ready I am supposed to be for this season to condemn me because my reality didn’t feel like it was matching up. I allowed this to affect my mood and also impact how I responded to other parts of my life and my responsibilities. After speaking to my sister and praying about certain things, I realized I had my focus all wrong. This is not to say the things I desired to pursue were wrong, but I was going about it the wrong way. I had to remember that Christ is the priority no matter the ambition, and with Christ being the centre, everything else, including my ambitions and plans, must work with His way and will in the ordering of my life that He has set out before the beginning of time.

Why am I sharing this?

I share all this to encourage you. Is this you? Can you relate? Has the new year goals hype gotten to you so much that you have forgotten that your times and seasons are in the Lord’s hands? Has it overwhelmed you to the point that you couldn’t hear His still small voice? I implore you to ask for His help, friend. The planning of your goals and life mustn’t feel like an affliction, but for the time when it does feel like an affliction, Father has promises for us, and we both know that to His promises are yes and amen.

His Promises

  • Father promises that when our afflictions are many, He will deliver us from all of them (Psalm 34:19).
  • Father promises that when we are confused, we can trust in Him and give Him our plans, and He will lead us in the way to go (Proverbs 3:5-6).
  • Finally, Father also promises that our steps are ordered (Psalm 37:23-24).

If you are anything like me, being still can feel quite difficult, especially when there is so much to achieve. I have learned that just calming down and fixing my eyes on Christ and what He has called me to do can help. Also, I have found that my restlessness could be an indication that I am focused on the wrong task for the day. The Lord loves us, friend, and He wants us to succeed more than we want to succeed. He is a good, good Father. I guess my writing this is not only to encourage you but to encourage myself as well. Let’s not get lost in the hype, even if it seems a good idea to. Let’s take our time and be led by the Spirit of Jesus and take the steps He is ordering us. It won’t always feel comfortable, but He is holding your hand all the way.

A Prayer for You

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, may Your name always be exalted in my life in Jesus’ name. I pray that you would give me a Kingdom mind-set when it comes to planning out my life and grant me the grace to always seek you before I make any big decisions regarding my future. Father, forgive me for trying to take charge of my life without asking you for help and guidance; help me to trust you. Your word says that the days of my life have been written in your book even before I lived any one of them; I come into alignment with what has been written in Jesus’ name. Father, if I have come into agreement with any other plan, I break that and separate myself from it now, Lord, in Your Name (You can confess it if any comes to mind). Father, may Your will be done in my life as it has been done in heaven, Lord, and please forgive me and cleanse me of all sins and unrighteousness. I let go of any offense that is in my heart towards You, towards myself, towards anyone else. I forgive all, Lord. Lead me not into temptation, Lord, but deliver me from all kinds of evil, externally and internally, in Jesus’ Name. Thank you in advance for answering my prayer. All power and honour and glory belong to You. Thank you for blessing me with the heart to believe this in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

Thank you for taking the time out to read the blog. I am hoping it was helpful. Leave a comment or send me an email to let me know your thoughts or how your year has been so far. Take care.



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Fresh Start
Photo by Bich Tran on Pexels.com

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